Twitch Sub Badge "Valorant"

Twitch Sub Badge “Valorant”


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Includes 19% VAT

The Valorant Twitch Sub Badges are perfect for your Valorant stream. If you do plan to give Valorant a go and don’t have any loyalty badges yet, you should consider getting these. Our Valorant Sub Badges are inspired by the Rank Insignias of Valorant for the ranks from Iron – Valorant.

Twitch Sub Badges (or Loyalty Badges) are a crucial piece to grow a long term streaming community

The Valorant Sub Badges come in 8 different versions and 3 different resolutions as is demanded by Twitch. This also includes a nice Sub-Badge-Preview Panel for your twitch panel section.

Resolutions:18px x 18px36px x 36px72px x 72px
Format: PNG
Parts: 24


Valorant is the new FPS from Riot Games, the makers of League of Legends. Valorant is a slight mix between Counterstrike and Overwatch though it is less Rock, Paper Scissors and more aim reliant then Overwatch. If you haven't tried Valorant yet, be sure to give it a try, it is free to play and very good.



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Some Extra Information


Valorant Ranks

These Twitch Sub Badges are perfect for your Valorant stream. But you don’t need any particular topic for it. The Valorant Twitch Sub Badges look like rank insignia of the Riot Games FPS Valorant.


Files come in PNG format and are made to fit perfectly. The Twitch Loyalty Badges come in 18px x 18px, 32px x 32px and 72px x 72px and PNG format.

Easy to use Twitch Sub Badges, just upload the PNG files in your affiliate area.

This pack of Twitch Sub Badges include 8 different tiers times 3 resolutions per tier.

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