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Who is Pepe the Frog

In the ever-evolving culture of the internet, a seemingly unassuming green frog named Pepe embarked on an unexpected journey to stardom. This whimsical tale will guide you through the origins of Pepe the Frog, his meteoric rise to popularity, and his transition into a beloved Twitch emote.

The story of Pepe began in 2005 when comic artist Matt Furie created a comic series called “Boy’s Club.” Pepe is one of the four main characters in this humorous comic, living alongside his anthropomorphic animal friends. Pepe’s humble beginnings started with a comic panel where he calmly explained his rationale for urinating with his pants down: “Feels good man.”

This iconic phrase soon found its way to the internet, and before long, Pepe became an easily recognizable meme. The lovable frog quickly spread across online platforms, becoming a staple in internet culture. His image was remixed and reimagined by countless users, transforming Pepe into a universal symbol for a myriad of emotions and situations.

The many Faces of Pepe

As the popularity of live streaming platforms like Twitch grew, so did the demand for emotes that could convey a range of feelings. As a result, Twitch users began incorporating Pepe into their digital vocabulary, creating countless variations of Pepe emotes. Some of the most widely used Pepe Twitch emotes include:

As the popularity of live streaming platforms like Twitch grew, so did the demand for emotes that could convey a range of feelings. As a result, Twitch users began incorporating Pepe into their digital vocabulary, creating countless variations of Pepe emotes. Some of the most widely used Pepe Twitch emotes include:

Pepe the frog crying with his hands reaching for his face expressing sadness.

PepeHands: A sorrowful Pepe with tears streaming down his face, used to express sadness or disappointment.

Pepe the Frog laughing with tears in his eyes and a big wide grin.

PepeLaugh: A joyful Pepe laughing with gusto, often employed to indicate amusement or mockery.

pepega emote showing pepe the frog.

Pepega: A silly-looking Pepe with a wide-open mouth, used to convey confusion or a sense of being lost.

MonkaS emote showing Pepe the Frog with sweat on his forehead from an intense situation.

MonkaS: A nervous Pepe with sweat dripping down his face, typically shared during moments of tension or anxiety.

The Controversy

While Pepe the Frog has charmed countless internet users with his expressive nature, the character has faced a fair share of controversy. In the early 2010s, Pepe’s image was co-opted by far-right extremist groups and white supremacists. They began manipulating Pepe’s appearance and using him in hateful and offensive memes, attempting to turn the once-innocent frog into a symbol of their ideologies. As a result, Pepe’s reputation was severely tarnished, and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) even added Pepe to its database of hate symbols in 2016.

However, Pepe’s creator, Matt Furie, and the larger online community were determined to reclaim Pepe from these negative associations. Furie launched a campaign called “#SavePepe,” encouraging people to create and share positive images of the frog. Many internet users and artists rallied behind this movement, generating a wealth of wholesome Pepe content that helped counterbalance the negativity. Slowly but surely, Pepe’s reputation began to improve as the broader community recognized that the character’s misuse by fringe groups did not define him.

The struggle to reclaim Pepe from the clutches of hate is documented in the critically acclaimed 2020 documentary “Feels Good Man.” The film offers an in-depth look at the journey of Pepe the Frog, from his creation by Matt Furie to his appropriation by far-right extremists and the fight to restore his original, lighthearted nature. The documentary serves as a testament to the power of the internet community and the resilience of Pepe the Frog as a symbol of diverse emotions and experiences.

If you still want to learn more about Pepe the Frog and his origins, I recommend watching this informative YouTube video:

It offers a comprehensive look at Pepe’s creation, his impact on internet culture, and his transformation into the emotes we know and love today.


In conclusion, Pepe the Frog’s journey from a simple comic character to a beloved Twitch emote is a testament to the power of internet culture and its ability to shape and redefine symbols. While Pepe’s story has seen its share of controversy and challenges, the online community has played a crucial role in reclaiming the frog from negative associations. As you immerse yourself in the world of streaming and encounter Pepe emotes, remember the rich history behind this unassuming green frog, and appreciate the ever-changing, dynamic nature of online culture.


No, Pepe the Frog is not public domain. The character is the creation of artist Matt Furie, who holds the copyright.

Yes, in most cases, you can use memes for free, especially for non-commercial or personal use. However, it’s essential to consider the specific meme’s copyright status and avoid using copyrighted content without permission.

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